Business Meeting Minutes – April 17

Here are the minutes from yesterday’s Shire business meeting.


Officer reports


  • Please submit your quarterly reports.
  • Looking for deputies.
  • Made some updates to the Autocrat’s Handbook, mostly relating to the new NMS changes.


  • The Kingdom needs Newcomer Tokens. They can be anything. It is certainly nicer to have something with some sort of fastener (even if it’s just a safety pin). It’s also nice to have space for the Royalty’s initials to be added to them.


  • Finally ran heraldic workshop at WPI. The group was smaller than previous years but they were very enthusiastic.
  • Helped a few folks design and conflict-check heraldry.
  • It is no longer the Herald’s responsibility to submit the paperwork, so be sure to submit your paperwork if you have it!


  • We have money.
  • Thank you for letting me be your exchequer.
  • The bankbook has formally been passed to Mikhail.


  • Someone misfiled their reauthorization at Birka, but that has been taken care of.


  • We had the WPI Spring Ball on Friday. We had about 20 people, including newbies. It did run for the full time interval.
  • We also had dance practice at WPI this month and it was well attended.
  • Walpurgisnacht is coming up.
  • May Practice is at Camelot as usual.


  • Practice this afternoon in Stow. Practice Sunday 4/24 in the morning at Lochleven Spring Practice at Camelot. All are welcome.
  • Archery Repair Workshop at 1:00 on Sunday 4/24 at Lochleven Spring Practice at Camelot. All are welcome.


  • Been busy.
  • Aleksei and Murdoch are planning on switching roles in order to redistribute the workload.
  • If anyone else is interested in becoming Chronicler, let Matthias know.


  • Thanks to Brokk for bringing the trailer to Coronation.


  • Lochleven Spring Practice is at Camelot April 23-24. Y’all come by. Saturday is oriented toward heavy list. Sunday is oriented toward Archery, Fencing, and Thrown Weapons. A&S both days.
  • Edward Grey is looking to host an armor workshop. Bug him if interested.


Old business


  • I would like to thank the entire Shire for pulling together. Special thanks to Colin and Maggie who have strange notions about what constituted a “date night”.
  • We had 666 attendees. Could be a record. 67 children and 67 NMS.
  • We had $11,180 total income. We’re still double checking the profit numbers.
  • Perronnelle covered pickup for the rental company. Paul Rents is wonderful and we should use them again.
  • We have ideas for how to use the site again in the future. They loved us.

Scribal Schola:

  • May 21 at Camelot.
  • If you want to teach, contact Feilinn.
  • This is an all experience levels Scribal Schola.
  • We would like to borrow folding tables of all shapes, sizes, and materials.

King’s and Queens Archery and Thrown Weapon Championships:

  • And possibly Curia.
  • Matthias will be handling the contract and site payment.
  • Elvira and Eleanor Le Brun will be running dayboard.
  • Brokk will be managing the Thrown Weapons range on behalf of the Champions.
  • Archery and Thrown Weapons will both be on the main field.
  • We’d like to rent some portapotties for the main field, especially an ADA-compliant one.
  • Matthias has volunteered to help with parking.

Sommer Draw:

  • Matthias will follow up with Elvira to double check that she is running their dayboard.
  • Dayboard will be a donation only fundraiser.
  • We will be appointing new Defenders based on the outcome of the tournaments, so encourage Shire folk to attend.

K&Q Equestrian:

  • We have conflicting information about whether we are running this event.
  • Matthias will double check with TRM.

Simply Allegorical:

  • October 29 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester.

Battle of Five Armies:

  • Preliminary event bid submitted.
  • We discussed comps, fees, and site. We have decided that all children will be free.
  • We need an archery marshal to check the ranges for suitability.
  • Aleksei is interested in Kitchener and Feast Chef.
  • Teresa is interested in running gate.


New Business

  • Simona is looking at hosting an SCA flea market next spring, possibly at the Higgins.


NEXT MEETING: Sunday, May 15, 12pm, at Camelot Cohousing


Business Meeting Minutes – March 20

Here are the minutes from today’s Shire business meeting.

Congratulations to our re-elected Shire officers:

MoL: Lady Simona bat Leon

Chancellor Minor: Madame Perronnelle de Croy

Dance: Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir

And to our newly elected officers:

Exchequer: Lord Mikhail bogmaor

MoAS: Baroness AEsa feilinn Jossursdottir


Website Testing

Greetings unto the chilly populace of Quintavia!

This is your friendly neighborhood Webminister and today I would like to inform you of some website testing that will be going on for the next 24hours. At this time this may look a little strange on the website when you visit. I will try to test everything as quickly as possible and return the site to normal. We are sorry for the interruption of this service and will put out an announcement when the site is returned to it normal functioning self.


Who: QuintaviaWebsite

What: Testing

Why: Errors in the code

When: 2/215/2016 3:00 PM to 2/16/2016 3:00 PM


Yours In Service,

Madame Perronnelle de Croy

** IMPORTANT!! ** – Officer Email Change

EKOFFICERS_webminister_color** IMPORTANT!! **

There has been a few important and awesome changes made to the officer email system! Some of the changes rolled out a while ago but some are very new. For more information on IMAP follow the link! 

  • Change Password – Users can now change the password from within the mailbox without requesting assistance from the Webminister.
  • IMAP Access – A very heavily requested option is now openly available to all Officers. Please follow the steps provided here for reference:
  • New Message Notification – Notification from the Server is available. You must have the mailbox open in a tab in a browser to get the notifications. Configuration is found under Settings.
  • Filter Messages into Folders – Newly added to the server, you are able to do so under Settings.
    Mark As Junk – There is a button on the main task list available to have emails marked as SPAM and moved to the Junk folder.


Yule Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s nearing that time of year again! Yule is right around the corner and we will be holding our Shire’s too-cool Yule on Saturday, December 19th from 12pm to 6pm.

It’s a low-key pot-luck get-together that’s garb optional. Games and activities are planned for the younger members of the Shire. We will also be giving out our Keeper Awards!

Yule Gift Swap

We will be doing a Viking (aka Yankee) Gift Swap. If you want to be part of the swap, please bring a wrapped, SCA-themed gift of about $10 value. This swap is for adults, there is a separate gift swap for children with a $5 gift. Youth (17 and under) gifts do not need to be SCA-themed, but should be appropriate for either gender. (Ideas are books, crafts, or puzzles for a wide variety of age groups.)

For more information please visit our Event Webpage or contact the Autocrat, Lady Fortune St. Keyne


**For the Official EK Calendar Listing Click Here**

Two Handed Rapier Issue Clarification from KM of Fence

Originally posted on the East Kingdom Gazette Tuesday, October 13, 2015 in regards to the changes of two handed rapier rules.

Greetings to the Kingdom of the East!
Since the publication of the new two handed rapier rules I have received some questions regarding the blade/handle length requirements.  I will attempt to offer some clarification.
I, as Kingdom Rapier Marshal, am specifically empowered to allow weapons that do not meet the standard but still pass the Flex Test.  Speaking specifically of the Hanwei feder, it is my understanding that the handle is just about an inch too long for the 2 Hander standard.  These specific weapons are allowed under that discretionary power.  Any other 2 hander that does not meet the published standard must be cleared through myself, my Kingdom Deputy, or one of my Regional Deputies.
I hope this clarification helps, and I am always here if anyone has any further questions.  Please feel free to contact me through the KRM link on the EK Website under Officers.
In Service,
Master Frasier MacLeod, KRM, East
***For more information on policies and general questions regarding Rapier Combat within the Shire of Quintavia and the East Kingdom, please visit the Shire’s Marshal of Fence webpage or Contact the Marshal.***

New Pictures!

Hello from you Webminister!

Have you been to our website lately? Well, if not you should check it out! This weekend has been very productive for me and I have gotten a lot done on our website. To point out a couple of things:

  • New Pictures – Check out our galleries of recent events! Have pictures of events that aren’t up there and you would like to share? Let me know!
  • Archives – I have been working with our awesome Chronicler, Murdoch, to add to our document archive. I don’t have them all and so if you have some laying around that can be scanned please get in touch with me!
  • Documentation – This is something that probably won’t be very interesting to most. I have begun to document the how to’s for our webpage as it is set up now. I know that I won’t be webminister forever so I’m trying to document how I get things to work the way they do for the next person.

There’s also a lot happening on the back end of things. If you don’t notice them it means I’m doing my job! Most of these types of things are updates to the WordPress client and various add-ons that we use.

In addition to all of that the East Kingdom Webministry has decided that it will audit (read: grade) all sites according to usability and adherence to the policies of the Webministry. Hopefully that won’t be too bad but I do expect that nearing Christmas or New Years I will be busy trying to make sure that we are in shape for that.

As always feel free to reach out to me if you need anything web-related!


Madame Perronnelle de Croy