Spring Tidings


As we shake off the winter now is a good time to see all the activities that the Shire does.

Practices & Meetings

In addition there is a host of Central region events coming up that look fun to play at, including Kingdom Archery and HL champion events.


Even if you don’t partake in the activities, cheering on the participants is always appreciated.

The May business meeting is this sunday from 11Am to 1pm at the Mosaic Common house,
22 Village Ln
Berlin, Massachusetts 01503

All are welcome, there might be mystery snacks…

PS Respond to your polls if you haven’t 🙂

Spring practice

Hi all,

Please feel invited to the annual spring practice this coming 28th/29th.  Spring practice is a chance for new folks to try out activities, experience people to kick the rust off and in general to practice some of what the SCA offers.

The festivities for both days happen at Camelot Cohousing (69 Village Ct, Berlin Ma, 01503)

A general schedule


Location  Barn and Field next to it

11  — 1pm  Newcomer focused HL activities.  Come try on armor, swing a stick and see if it interests you.

1 – 5pm (ish)  —  Pickups and then Small melee drills  Balfar’s Challenge – SCA Armored Combat)

1 -5pm  Youth fighting activities (assuming parents to help wrangle kids)

Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.

5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.

4/28 ( note this is a week after the HL Saturday because of scheduling this year)

10am —  1pm  Target Archery.  New and Closer range!

Location  Barn and Field next to it

1pm  — 5pm Fencing Activities.  Singles and then melee drills. Note this is no Sunday practice this week in millbury come here instead 🙂

Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.

5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.

Thank you


April Showers

Hi All

The April business meeting will be this Sunday the 14 starting at 11:00am at 69 village court, berlin, ma location. We’ll be in the great room, come see what all the buzz is about, and why the Seneschal is lame and hasn’t found another space to host meetings in yet!

Queen Fortune and King Ozzur are still taking recommendations for their second polling. Please take a moment and write in folks you think are worthy. The recommendations for their second polling are open until 11:59 pm on the 19th.

Recommendation form can be found here,


The types of awards in the +East kingdom are found here. (look for awards section)


If you are unsure of an award someone has, the OP can be found here.


Thank you


March Tidings

Shire activities continue to happen at a weekly(Fencing, Heavy List, Sewing) and monthly basis (Dance and Scribal Moot). If you are interested in any of the activities please come join us.

If you have ideas for what you would like to see the Shire do, or want to help out, please come to our monthly business meeting. This month it is on March 10th from 11am to 1pm the Camelot Common House (69 Village Court, berlin ma). For the interested I did look into Total Wine meeting space but it was booked for that weekend (perhaps in the future 🙂 )

At the meeting we will discuss the current activities of the shire, what is upcoming. This month we also have some officer elections. Please come join us!

Thank you



Comings and Goings

Please join us for our Feb Buisness meeting at 69 Village Court Berlin Ma this Sunday from 11 – 1pm.

Seems our exchequer has been called away.. We will have a election for a new exchequer plus see what other trouble we can cause.

This weekend the Shire is hosting the 5th annual Embroidery Schola


Please come join us, if you have an interest about the fiber arts/needleworking  please come join us.

If you know of folks who are doing good deeds, please consider writing them in for an award.


Take a moment to peruse the kingdom op.  You’ll be surprised who you find that you where sure had “that” award.



Finally the shire is always looking for more volunteers as officers.   Please consider helping for things that are of interest to you or poking folks who might be interested.

Current officer roster is located here.

Shire Officers


Thank you




Happy New Year


I hope everyone’s Holidays was  relaxing and fun filled as mine was.   I’d like to start by calling attention to the newest recipients of the Keepers.  If you didn’t make it to Yule (or even if you did) please have a look and take a moment to congratulate people for their accomplishments.

Keeper Recipient List

There will be a full Curia on the Sunday of Birka this year, as always if you have commentary please let me know so I can adequately represent the Shire.

Click to access 27Jan2019curia.pdf

Speaking of the Officer core of the Shire, we have several option positions, most notably the Chancellor Minor, and Knight Marshal positions.   If  you have interest, let myself or Corwin know.

Shire Officers

As a reminder the next business meeting is 1/13/19 at 11am in the Camelot Common House (69 Village Ct, Berlin, Ma).  All are welcome as always and I hear their might be donuts…   Officers if you, or a deputy won’t be able to make it please  send in a report.

We are on toward another full year as a Shire and I look forward spending it will all of you.



Busy Weekend in the Shire


This weekend is busy in the Shire, please come join us!

On Saturday we are hosting K+Q Fencing Champions.  This is a great spectacle to watch if you don’t fence and I hear the dayboard will be scrumptious..

It’s being held at the high school in Bolton ma.


Afterwards there is an informal post-revel in the Camelot common house (69 Village court, berlin ma) after the event cleanup ends.

On sunday  also at the Camelot common house we have our December business meeting followed by Shire Yule at 1pm.

Yule is a garb optional pot luck affair where we will tell stories, eat food and enjoy the holiday spirt.

Folks are welcome to partake in the Viking swap (yankee swap with less grumbling) with a suggested gift price of 25 dollars or less.

We also will turn over the keeper awards to new worthy folks.

Quintavia Keeper Descriptions


Please come join us!






December Activities

I hope everyone has enjoyed some holiday time with good food and good people. I know I have and am thankful for the time that I do get to spend with everyone.

For those that haven’t seen it, the EK Gazzette has a great write up about the Iron Scribe event that was held recently. https://eastkingdomgazette.org/2018/11/24/iron-scribe-reinvents-scribal-focused-events/#more-15447

Everyone I’ve talked to about it has had a great time, and shows the Shire off in a great light. Vivat.

Upcoming we have K+Q fencing champs happing on Dec 8th at the Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton ma.


We are still looking for some folks to help out, please spread the word and/or signup if you have the time. It is a great spectacle to observe even if you don’t fence.


The day after(Dec 9th) will be the business meeting / followed by Yule at the 69 Village Court, berlin ma location.

Yule is a garb optional affair where we will hang out, tell some stories and enjoy each other company. Food is potluck, and folks are welcome to partake in the Viking (yankee) swap. Finally, we change over the keeper awards at Yule. https://quintavia.eastkingdom.org/home-page/keeper-awards/quintavia-keeper-descriptions/


Happy Holidays,


Upcoming Happenings

The rest of fall and winter is shaping up to be a busy season for the shire, I hope you will join us for the festivities.

Buisness meetings continue on the 2nd sundays of the month with November’s at the  69 Village Court, Berlin MA (Camelot Commonhouse address) from 11am -1pm.   We discuss what the various offices are doing,  activities in the shire, and upcoming events.

Also at the business meeting we are having elections for the Chatelaine (I hear ours has a new job…)  ,  Knight Marshal,  Herald offices.   The Chamberlain and Chronicle positions are also open if anyone is interested.   Please email with any questions seneschal@quintavia.eastkingdom.org, and on the job training is always provided.

Fencing and Heavy list practices continue every week  with archery and thrown weapons practices weather dependent.  Look for week of email/facebook updates for those last 2 activities if they are happening.  Dance continues the 1st Tuesday of the month with a dinner and socializing for anyone and everyone before hand.(You don’t need to stay for dance but you should…)  Scribal moots continue the 4rth Tuesday of the month.   See this page for more info on all of these activities. https://quintavia.eastkingdom.org/events-practices/practices-meetings/

On the event / gathering front.

The Great Quintavian Iron Scribe competition is next week Nov 17th and looks to be a blast. https://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=3420

Further on,  the Shire is hosting K+Q Fencing Championship on Dec 8th and these events are always a good spectacle even if you don’t fence.


We are still in need of volunteers, please signup here if you have some time.


Finally  Shire Yule will be follow the Dec Business meeting on 12/9.  This is a garb optional gathering, that is always a great time for socializing,  partaking in the Viking swap and general merriment.


Thank you all to the folks who continue to organize, host, and cleanup after these activities, as that creates the magic for all of us.
