Cross Posting Functionality – Site Update

Greetings Quintavia!

I bear good tidings! The website is back to normal and running smoothly in regards to the cross posting ability to Facebook and the mailing list. There had been a hiccup in the service as was reported at the Shire business meeting last Sunday but everything is back to normal!

So! If you are an officer or Shire member organizing practices or art-type things please post on the blog first! Need a login? Contact me at


Mme. Perronnelle de Croy

Email Posts Poll

Hello to the mighty populace of the Shire of Quintavia!

This is your friendly, local, webminister checking in. At the past business meeting, this past Sunday, we discussed the weekly email notices of posts on the blog. The general feedback was that the way the email blasts are not working as is. The information, when it arrives in your inbox is too late to be useful using a once weekly blast. I picked this option initially to minimize the amount of mail into your inbox because I know that we all get more than enough. To that end, there are three options that are available.

At the meeting we discussed adding a second email blast and making it go on Monday and Fridays. With the new update to the plugin it allows us to do an immediate email blast with the newest post. Unfortunately, it’s an all or nothing deal. So if three posts are written on Monday, you’ll get three separate emails. Granted, there’s not a lot of fluff that is posted here and getting three in a day would be a once in a blue moon occasion. With this in mind, I would ask that you please select your preferred solution to improve our current situation in the poll below.

[poll id=”2″]


Email Posting and Other News

Greetings Unto The Fair Populace of Quintavia!

This is your friendly neighborhood webminister. It’s been a while since you have heard from me and some of you may be confused as to new mail that you have been receiving that look a little odd. I apologize because this is my doing.

I have been handed a tool that for officers and for myself is supposed to help streamline the communication process. Keywords are “supposed to.” It’s taken a while to get the kinks worked out but I believe that I now have this particular bit of communication ironed out. What does this mean for you? Only that weekly you will receive an email with the latest news. Only once a week, on Saturdays. (OFFICERS – Take note that notices for the upcoming week and such should be posted prior to Saturday!) That’s it. Simple. Nothing else will change. For the more involved answer  and the why this has come into play keep reading!  Continue reading “Email Posting and Other News”

New Pictures!

Hello from you Webminister!

Have you been to our website lately? Well, if not you should check it out! This weekend has been very productive for me and I have gotten a lot done on our website. To point out a couple of things:

  • New Pictures – Check out our galleries of recent events! Have pictures of events that aren’t up there and you would like to share? Let me know!
  • Archives – I have been working with our awesome Chronicler, Murdoch, to add to our document archive. I don’t have them all and so if you have some laying around that can be scanned please get in touch with me!
  • Documentation – This is something that probably won’t be very interesting to most. I have begun to document the how to’s for our webpage as it is set up now. I know that I won’t be webminister forever so I’m trying to document how I get things to work the way they do for the next person.

There’s also a lot happening on the back end of things. If you don’t notice them it means I’m doing my job! Most of these types of things are updates to the WordPress client and various add-ons that we use.

In addition to all of that the East Kingdom Webministry has decided that it will audit (read: grade) all sites according to usability and adherence to the policies of the Webministry. Hopefully that won’t be too bad but I do expect that nearing Christmas or New Years I will be busy trying to make sure that we are in shape for that.

As always feel free to reach out to me if you need anything web-related!


Madame Perronnelle de Croy



New Help Desk Submission

Greetings from your local webminister!


As some of you may know the webministry has been working hard to get things more organized inregards to responding to user issues. Part of that has been implementing the Help Desk. This is to replace emailing me directly with issues.  While I enjoy getting mail from all of you, the webministry wants to make sure we are getting tasks and completing them. If you haven’t had an occasion to use it it means I’m doing my job well, yay! If you have then you can probably skip this how-to tutorial. This ticket system is also for if you run into anything else that is not working properly on any of the EK websites.

When you see something wrong with the Quintavia site you can submit a ticket directly to me instead of emailing me. It’s much better and faster as it doesn’t get lost in all the other email that streams in.

Continue reading “New Help Desk Submission”