March 2015 – Business Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2015 business meeting minutes.  

Click here to view and download a PDF version.


Officer reports

Seneschal: Our missing equipment is still missing. Many of our serving pieces are included in this list. Please check your equipment to verify whether any of it belongs to the Shire.

Webminister: We’ve added some event planning resources to our website. We will be adding our event bid sheet and autocrat handbook sheets to the page. There is also a password protected page that keeps track of past site fees, budgets, actual end numbers, menus, etc. Believe it or not, search engines and facebook are our top 2 referrals for our website, followed by We are looking at creating a local model release database and will probably end up getting volunteered for doing it at a higher level.

Youth: Deputy needs to be warranted. We have a sample Youth box to paw through. There are multiple versions of stained glass construction for different age levels. Games, catapults, and others are still in the

Herald: The Kickstarter book on Japanese heraldry that we backed last year has arrived.

Exchequer: We have money.

MoL: Crown Tournament is 5/2 on Long Island. The local group is looking at creating a block of hotel rooms. It will be our first event where MoDs can be made.

Dance: Dance Practices got a little wiggy over the winter, but they’ve been happening. Black Rose Ball was lovely. Walpurgisnacht is on for the first weekend of May. Walpurgisnacht is just continuous dancing, gaming, and eating. There are cabins for sleeping. There will also be dancing at Carolingian Investiture on 4/4. Dance Practice on 4/7 will be at WPI.

MoAS: Please attend CRAFT fiber day at Camelot in March. Workshop at Perronnelle’s next Friday.

Chronicler: Working on a new Milestone. If you have something you would like to write up as an article – event reports, research, resources – please do so.

Royalty: We had a great time at Gulf Wars. It was Pennsic weather. The East won the Diamond Tournament. The Kingdom is looking at acquiring some storage space down there, which will empower many more people to come.


Embroidery Event: 45 people attended. We made money.

Hafla (3/7@Bolton): The February weather and other things created a series of challenges that impacted the event. Only 37 people were in attendance. We had a loss of $210.

Carolingian Investiture (4/4 @ German Club in Walpole): Many Quintavians are showing up as the Scottish Barbarians from across the way.

Cooking Schola (4/25@Clinton Church) is canceled.

Sommer Draw (6/13@Bergental): Bergental has invited us to cook the dayboard as a fundraiser. It’s a new site with more space for us to cook, so we may be expanding dining options to match.

St. John Baptiste (6/20@YMCA camp in Oxford): Site Walk when the snow melts. Aleksei and Eleanor will be running the feast. We can still setup Friday evening.

K&Q Equestrian (8/22@Hazel Grove, Groton): Perronnelle can no longer make it, so Rosina is looking for help. We have verbal confirmation of the date, however we are still limited by the same stuff that applied last year. We are still welcome to come setup on Friday night. We will be using a ticket raffle to fundraise by raffling off lunches cooked by local artisans. The plan is to start selling tickets at Carolingian Investiture. They will be lunches for four. The site is planning on getting a second permanent portapotty which will hopefully be in a useful location.


Cabella’s in Hudson is opening this week. It’s your one-stop shopping place for hunting, camping, and camoflauge. Stop by and check out the archery range.

The Shakespeare Club of Grafton will be celebrating the Bard’s birthday in garb on 4/27.

New Pages!

Greetings from your handy-dandy local Webminister!

If you have looked around the site recently…or rather today, you may have noticed that there are new pages in the menu. I though that I would go over these for everyone so that you know what’s there and why!

  1. Galleries – These are for pictures. right now it’s a little bare. If you’d like to share your pictures with us please drop me a note!
  2. Forums – This is for everyone to use and communicate with! Make a login on the registration page and take a look around. I’m hoping to start a thread for recipes, camping arrangements, etc.
  3. Event Planning Resources – This one is tricky and is hiding under the Exchequers page. There are three pages that fall under this one. They all contain graphs for different things to help autocrats better plan and budget for their event. These are still in the process of being filled out. Please be patient and if you have additional information to add to them please let me know!
    1. Sites – A list of sites that we have used in the past. Includes contact info, amenities, accessibility, and facility details.
    2. Menu Costs – A list of menus from past events with actual cost to purchase. This sheet includes how many people paid for food and how much they paid.
    3. Budget Numbers Overview – This is the grand-daddy of worksheets. It includes costs for the site, additional insurance, tokens, food, signs, and a bunch of other things.

Server Maintenance – Scheduled for 03/07/15

Greetings from your Friendly Neighborhood Webminister!

I am writing to inform you that the server for ALL East Kingdom web services & sites will be down for a time due to scheduled server maintenance update and server reboot. Details are as follows:


* Server Maintenance:  2015-03-07 9:00:00 AM EST *

A two-hour window is allocated, however the actual downtime can be much less. These warranted updates are required to protect the security and safe operations of our infrastructure.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Photos and Art

You may be looking around at our site and be thinking, “What’s with the bland graphics?” or “Where are the pictures?”

While I appreciate many offers of photos and art to put upon the site there is something that I feel needs to be addressed.

15296294347_bb01ddee76_zDid you know we need permission forms for art and pictures? The most recent  Webminister policies require us to have permission slips not only from the photographer or artist but also for the model(s) in the pictures. So for a picture of two people I would need to have three (3) permission slips on hand. One for each of the models and one from the photographer. An SCA Grant of Use Form is needed for ALL pictures whereas an SCA Model Release Form is only required if the facial features are identifiable (not obscured by helmets, garb, shadowing, etc.).

So the solution for this? There is a way to do a blanket permission on the forms for photographers and models which will allow the local webminister to use photos without acquiring individual permissions for each picture.

There is an endeavor that I would encourage any and all photographers in our region to look into: The Digital Scribes Program. This program looks to have pictures available to use for publications and social media with the permissions on hand. I would love to see some of our local photographers get in on this! As Webminister I think this is awesome and I believe that our Chronicler would agree, I would love to see pictures of our local folks and events there too! It’s where I got the picture for this article!

In any case! If you are interested in having pictures you have taken or been in please fill out the forms and send them in to me at this address.

Past Newsletters Uploaded

chroniclerGreetings! I have worked with our Webminister to upload all known back issues of the Quintavian Milestone and past newsletters  to the Publications Archive. If you happen to have any issues saved that are not in the archive, I would be quite interested in getting them to make this archive as complete as possible to preserve our Shire’s history.

This web site will now be the primary delivery method for the Milestone and Waypost. I will still post announcements and links on the email list and the Book of Faces as I have in the past. Many thanks to Madame Perronnelle de Croy for all her hard work on the new site!

On the Mend!

webministerI hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! As you can see our website is on the mend. I’m not quite happy with the way it looks yet but the guts are starting to fall into place, hooray!

You will notice that our calendar is up, as is the main officers page. I’m still working on getting the individual pages settled. I have created access for a couple of officers so that they may upload newsletters and the like so look here for updates!