Quintavia Business Meeting , March


The next business meeting will be march 11th at 69 Village court, berlin ma (in the upstairs large common room)

We will be wrapping up the very successful embroidery schola as well as talking up coronation and possible a bid for EK fencing champs.

In addition it is election times

The following offices are up for elections

Exchequer – March 2018
Lord Mikjáll bogmaðr  (running for a second term)

Minister of Arts and Sciences – March 2018
Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir (aka Feilinn)

Chancellor Minor – March 2018  (Looking for replacement officer)
Madame Perronnelle de Croy

listsMinister of Lists – March 2018
Lady Simona bat Leon (running for another term)

Dance Mistress – March 2018
Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir (running but if there is interest in running dance Thyra encourages you to run)

The current officers and schedule for elections can be seen here.

Shire Officers

If you are interested in running please send me a letter of intent.  Which can simply be 1 paragraph on what you would like to do with the office.

Thank you


Business Meeting Minutes for 5/21/17

The business meeting minutes for this month have been typed up and are available for download on the Chronicler’s web page . You can also click here to download you copy immediately.

The next business meeting will be at the Mary E. McGrath Educational Center (MEMEC) on Sunday, June 11th, 2017 at 11:00 AM. Click the button below to add to your Google Calendar!

Business Meeting Minutes – May 15

Here are the minutes from today’s Shire business meeting.


Officer reports

Chronicler: Nothing new. Propose quick election next month to confirm Aleksei to replace Murdoch.

Chamberlain: Nothing new.

Seneschal: Organized paperwork. Write people in for awards! Please! New Royals will be looking for staff.

Herald: Consulted during Lochleven spring practice. Happy to help people register stuff.

MoAS: Scribal Schola, May 21, Camelot. 18 classes, all skill levels. Schedule is up, descriptions up today or tomorrow. Scroll display. 50yr is looking for scans of scrolls, please submit to Countess Marguerite. Has access to MoAS email. MoAS web page updated with Feilinn’s info.

Dance: Good May practice. One more in June, off July and August.

Archery: Practice today. Took measurements for new stands. Will make them smaller than current stands for easier transport. Will schedule a work day to build them once materials are purchased. Rounds are doing well. Sojourner has offered to run evening practices at Brokk and Rozi’s one night a week.

Exchequer: We have money. Monthly and quarterly reports submitted to Kingdom

Knight Marshal: Due to low attendance, practices are now only running on Thursday in Berlin, Sunday in Millbury.

Youth: Supplies are good, going through two boxes of donations. Offered to help Bergental at Sommer Draw. Youth activities at K&Q Archery/Thrown Weapons?

Webminister: Putting up K&Q Equestrian page by Wednesday. Putting up page for Scribal Schola. Still trying to fix header issue. Officers, let me know if you want to update your officer page.


Old Business

Scribal Schola, May 21: Simona running gate. Thyra deputy seneschal for the day. Corwin looking for help with cleanup – should happen throughout day to make cleanup at the end easier. Setup at 8am, people arrive by 9:30. Potluck lunch. Classes 11-6. A few have small class fees – will be listed on web site. Display at 4. Class sched on web site. Donation only. Looking for loaner/donation art supplies for newbies to use.

K&Q Thrown Weapons and Archery Champs, June 4: Archery has Chinese theme. Site tokens chosen. No Curia, will be held at GNEW. There’s enough space for youth activities if we want. Setup Friday evening before.

Sommer Draw, June 17: Defender tourneys will be held here – best placing Quintavian for each discipline. We usually dayboard as a fundraiser, will confirm that we are.

K&Q Equestrian, August 27: Have contract but it needs some corrections. Rosina seeking substitute autocrat due to a wedding that got scheduled that day – will still help plan the event. Seeking input for additional activities since so much space is available. Hobby horse race? Mikhail will handle prereg. Listed on EK event page. Will talk to Perronnelle about event web page. Can set up Friday. Will ask people to set up period tents for dressing rooms, staff/royal dayboard, royal rooms, populace shade, other activities.

Battle of the Five Armies: Talking long term scheduling with site. Contacting neighboring Baronies to gauge interest in participating.

Smoking Rocks wants to use a site in Quintavia (Franklin) for their Investiture on Labor Day weekend. No objections from us. Theme of border skirmish – could lead into Battle of the Five Armies well.


New Business

Rozi interested in stepping down as Marshal of Fence. Corwin is interested in taking over. Will talk to Rozi and gauge interest from other Shire fencers.



Toi is giving away garb that no longer fits. Help yourself! Leftovers will be donated to Gold Key.

Business Meeting Minutes – April 17

Here are the minutes from yesterday’s Shire business meeting.


Officer reports


  • Please submit your quarterly reports.
  • Looking for deputies.
  • Made some updates to the Autocrat’s Handbook, mostly relating to the new NMS changes.


  • The Kingdom needs Newcomer Tokens. They can be anything. It is certainly nicer to have something with some sort of fastener (even if it’s just a safety pin). It’s also nice to have space for the Royalty’s initials to be added to them.


  • Finally ran heraldic workshop at WPI. The group was smaller than previous years but they were very enthusiastic.
  • Helped a few folks design and conflict-check heraldry.
  • It is no longer the Herald’s responsibility to submit the paperwork, so be sure to submit your paperwork if you have it!


  • We have money.
  • Thank you for letting me be your exchequer.
  • The bankbook has formally been passed to Mikhail.


  • Someone misfiled their reauthorization at Birka, but that has been taken care of.


  • We had the WPI Spring Ball on Friday. We had about 20 people, including newbies. It did run for the full time interval.
  • We also had dance practice at WPI this month and it was well attended.
  • Walpurgisnacht is coming up.
  • May Practice is at Camelot as usual.


  • Practice this afternoon in Stow. Practice Sunday 4/24 in the morning at Lochleven Spring Practice at Camelot. All are welcome.
  • Archery Repair Workshop at 1:00 on Sunday 4/24 at Lochleven Spring Practice at Camelot. All are welcome.


  • Been busy.
  • Aleksei and Murdoch are planning on switching roles in order to redistribute the workload.
  • If anyone else is interested in becoming Chronicler, let Matthias know.


  • Thanks to Brokk for bringing the trailer to Coronation.


  • Lochleven Spring Practice is at Camelot April 23-24. Y’all come by. Saturday is oriented toward heavy list. Sunday is oriented toward Archery, Fencing, and Thrown Weapons. A&S both days.
  • Edward Grey is looking to host an armor workshop. Bug him if interested.


Old business


  • I would like to thank the entire Shire for pulling together. Special thanks to Colin and Maggie who have strange notions about what constituted a “date night”.
  • We had 666 attendees. Could be a record. 67 children and 67 NMS.
  • We had $11,180 total income. We’re still double checking the profit numbers.
  • Perronnelle covered pickup for the rental company. Paul Rents is wonderful and we should use them again.
  • We have ideas for how to use the site again in the future. They loved us.

Scribal Schola:

  • May 21 at Camelot.
  • If you want to teach, contact Feilinn.
  • This is an all experience levels Scribal Schola.
  • We would like to borrow folding tables of all shapes, sizes, and materials.

King’s and Queens Archery and Thrown Weapon Championships:

  • And possibly Curia.
  • Matthias will be handling the contract and site payment.
  • Elvira and Eleanor Le Brun will be running dayboard.
  • Brokk will be managing the Thrown Weapons range on behalf of the Champions.
  • Archery and Thrown Weapons will both be on the main field.
  • We’d like to rent some portapotties for the main field, especially an ADA-compliant one.
  • Matthias has volunteered to help with parking.

Sommer Draw:

  • Matthias will follow up with Elvira to double check that she is running their dayboard.
  • Dayboard will be a donation only fundraiser.
  • We will be appointing new Defenders based on the outcome of the tournaments, so encourage Shire folk to attend.

K&Q Equestrian:

  • We have conflicting information about whether we are running this event.
  • Matthias will double check with TRM.

Simply Allegorical:

  • October 29 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester.

Battle of Five Armies:

  • Preliminary event bid submitted.
  • We discussed comps, fees, and site. We have decided that all children will be free.
  • We need an archery marshal to check the ranges for suitability.
  • Aleksei is interested in Kitchener and Feast Chef.
  • Teresa is interested in running gate.


New Business

  • Simona is looking at hosting an SCA flea market next spring, possibly at the Higgins.


NEXT MEETING: Sunday, May 15, 12pm, at Camelot Cohousing


Business Meeting Minutes – March 20

Here are the minutes from today’s Shire business meeting.

Congratulations to our re-elected Shire officers:

MoL: Lady Simona bat Leon

Chancellor Minor: Madame Perronnelle de Croy

Dance: Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir

And to our newly elected officers:

Exchequer: Lord Mikhail bogmaor

MoAS: Baroness AEsa feilinn Jossursdottir


April 2015 – Business Meeting Minutes

12th of April 2015 Business Meeting Minutes

Click here to view and download a PDF version.

Officer reports

Seneschal: New Carolingian Baron/Baroness interested in forming closer relationship with Quintavia. Working on K&Q Equestrian event, lunch raffle, menu for SJB and Sommer Draw. Can do Shire encampment at Sommer Draw, or come for the day and help with day board.

Exchequer: We have money. Year end report has finally been accepted. Next report due in two weeks.

Youth: Report submitted, not much going on. Still assembling kits to bring to Sommer Draw.

Webminister: Picture clarification: Events are public, so model release forms are needed only if there is a reasonable expectation of privacy (guild meetings, etc.) Snow melting – can finally do site check for SJB, want to get info on web ASAP. If any officer wants to add info about their thing to the web site, let us know and send us the info. 4/20, scheduled overnight maintenance for EK server for a memory upgrade.

Chronicler: Published Second Winter Milestone. Will publish April Waypost. Used Serif PagePlus instead of Word. It has limitations in the free version. Full version costs about $100. Will continue to evaluate before recommending purchase or not.

MoL: Now Kingdom Deputy MoL! Taking on Elena as deputy, will train to replace when term is up in August.

Herald: Nothing new. Archery: Still a little snow on the lawn, but once it’s gone practice can resume.

Fencing: Practices happening. Working on helping heavy fighters give fencing a try. Donovan selected for MoD elevation.

Knight Marshal: No paperwork! Hosting regional for Bergental next month. Practices happening. Monthly youth fighting happening – youth are outnumbering the grown-ups!

Dance: Pondering “dance practice from hell” for all the strange ones we never get to do – maybe at a regional event. Run at MEMEC which has lots of space.

Old business

Still looking for 4-5 boxes of missing stuff. We need to find it – if not found by June we will need to buy replacements, and will need to put into Exchequer’s report since the value is over $500.

Sommer Draw, June 12-14: New site. We’re serving lunch. Come camp with us or day trip and help.

SJB: Doing walk-through soon, since snow is finally melting – try for May 1? Need menu from Eleanor and Aleksei. Working on contacting Fergus Redmead re: brewing competition. Want to get bardic stuff going too. Rosina will be teaching a singing class.

K&Q Equestrian: Sign contract and get insurance by end of month. Elena will cook food for staff and royals.

New Business

Proposal for Bardic event, Oct 17. Wants to run @Camelot, but the church in Bolton would work much better for an event like this. Andreiko and Rosina will get more specifics.

Proposal for Webminister’s Schola. Quintavia is a good central location. Concern over conflict in classes, but could run a single track of classes to avoid that. Maybe add a partial Chronicler track, since many topics are common to both positions.

Calligraphy event? Happy 30th anniversary of Quintavia! January 1985 Next meeting May 17, noon, @MEMEC.

March 2015 – Business Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2015 business meeting minutes.  

Click here to view and download a PDF version.


Officer reports

Seneschal: Our missing equipment is still missing. Many of our serving pieces are included in this list. Please check your equipment to verify whether any of it belongs to the Shire.

Webminister: We’ve added some event planning resources to our website. We will be adding our event bid sheet and autocrat handbook sheets to the page. There is also a password protected page that keeps track of past site fees, budgets, actual end numbers, menus, etc. Believe it or not, search engines and facebook are our top 2 referrals for our website, followed by eastkingdom.org. We are looking at creating a local model release database and will probably end up getting volunteered for doing it at a higher level.

Youth: Deputy needs to be warranted. We have a sample Youth box to paw through. There are multiple versions of stained glass construction for different age levels. Games, catapults, and others are still in the

Herald: The Kickstarter book on Japanese heraldry that we backed last year has arrived.

Exchequer: We have money.

MoL: Crown Tournament is 5/2 on Long Island. The local group is looking at creating a block of hotel rooms. It will be our first event where MoDs can be made.

Dance: Dance Practices got a little wiggy over the winter, but they’ve been happening. Black Rose Ball was lovely. Walpurgisnacht is on for the first weekend of May. Walpurgisnacht is just continuous dancing, gaming, and eating. There are cabins for sleeping. There will also be dancing at Carolingian Investiture on 4/4. Dance Practice on 4/7 will be at WPI.

MoAS: Please attend CRAFT fiber day at Camelot in March. Workshop at Perronnelle’s next Friday.

Chronicler: Working on a new Milestone. If you have something you would like to write up as an article – event reports, research, resources – please do so.

Royalty: We had a great time at Gulf Wars. It was Pennsic weather. The East won the Diamond Tournament. The Kingdom is looking at acquiring some storage space down there, which will empower many more people to come.


Embroidery Event: 45 people attended. We made money.

Hafla (3/7@Bolton): The February weather and other things created a series of challenges that impacted the event. Only 37 people were in attendance. We had a loss of $210.

Carolingian Investiture (4/4 @ German Club in Walpole): Many Quintavians are showing up as the Scottish Barbarians from across the way.

Cooking Schola (4/25@Clinton Church) is canceled.

Sommer Draw (6/13@Bergental): Bergental has invited us to cook the dayboard as a fundraiser. It’s a new site with more space for us to cook, so we may be expanding dining options to match.

St. John Baptiste (6/20@YMCA camp in Oxford): Site Walk when the snow melts. Aleksei and Eleanor will be running the feast. We can still setup Friday evening.

K&Q Equestrian (8/22@Hazel Grove, Groton): Perronnelle can no longer make it, so Rosina is looking for help. We have verbal confirmation of the date, however we are still limited by the same stuff that applied last year. We are still welcome to come setup on Friday night. We will be using a ticket raffle to fundraise by raffling off lunches cooked by local artisans. The plan is to start selling tickets at Carolingian Investiture. They will be lunches for four. The site is planning on getting a second permanent portapotty which will hopefully be in a useful location.


Cabella’s in Hudson is opening this week. It’s your one-stop shopping place for hunting, camping, and camoflauge. Stop by and check out the archery range.

The Shakespeare Club of Grafton will be celebrating the Bard’s birthday in garb on 4/27. http://graftonshakespeare.org/