Harassment/Bullying Policy

Hello All,

As many of you have seen the Society has created a new Harassment policy  (copied below the line)

Notice of this is still being tweeked, but for now the  statement at the bottom of the post must be posted at every SCA  sponsored  Event, Practice , and Gathering.

Officers (including Autocrats)  please use this form for reporting any incidents.  Please send it to myself and I will make sure it gets reported up the chain.

This information is also the Shire Seneschal page.

Thank you,



Link to the policy:


The SCA Harassment and Bullying Policy

From the Society Seneschals Handbook:


4. Harassment and Bullying
The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups.

Harassment and bullying includes, but is not limited to the following:
offensive or lewd verbal comments directed to an individual;
the display of explicit images (drawn or photographic) depicting an individual in an inappropriate manner;
photographing or recording individuals inappropriately to abuse or harass the individual;
inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention; or retaliation for reporting harassment and/or bullying.
Participants violating these rules are subject to appropriate sanctions. If an individual feels subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, they should contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or the Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. If a participant of the SCA becomes aware that someone is being harassed or bullied, they have a responsibility pursuant to the SCA Code of Conduct to come forward and report this behavior to a seneschal, President of the SCA or Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.


The following statement must be posted at gate/troll at every SCA event in a size large enough for people to see it as they enter our events.  This language must likewise be quoted in ALL site handouts at every event a site where a handout is made available.

Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.
If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.

Business Meeting & Archery Reminder

This month’s business meeting will be held Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 11 AM at Camelot Cohousing Common House located at 69 Village Ct., Berlin, MA.

In addition the weather is looking like it will be in our favor so Archery practice will be held tomorrow at Rozi’s house in Stow and will be running from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Directions are available on the Directions Page.

Scribal Moot – June 2017

Good morning A&S friends!

Just a friendly reminder that the next scribal moot will be on June 27th at Camelot. Our special guest teach is our very own EK Signet Nataliia!

You may be asking yourself, “Self? Why is Feilinn posting about this so early in the month?”

Fear not, I have the answer! The reason is because there are also two pretty cool and pretty crazy SCA events going on in June that might be of interest to people. A decent amount of local people are making the various trips and they are great opportunities to meet people and learn something new.

The Known World Dance and Music Symposium is June 15-18th in Baltimore (Kingdom of Atlantia) – http://www.kwds.org/

The Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium is June 23-25th in Knoxville (Kingdom of Meridies) – http://kwhss2017.nant-y-derwyddon.com/

For additional information please contact Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir using the form below:

Youth & Teen Events at the Battle of Five Armies

Unto the fair populace of the wondrous Shire of Quintavia do I, Perronnelle de Croy, send greetings!

Youth & Teen in the SCAI write to you on behalf of the younger generations that will be attending the glorious Battle of Five Armies in late August. I will be the Youth & Teen activity and class coordinator and would like to ask for anyone interested in teaching a class or leading an activity or helping in some way, shape or form, to contact me using the form below. If you have an idea but need help fleshing it out, please ask!

To the teens out there: what would you like to see? Learn? Would you like to teach something? I want to hear from you!

For now I have these activities planned:

  • Queen Caoilfhionn’s Service Initiative
  • Treasure Hunt for the younger
  • Family S’mores bar (YUM!)

Business Meeting Minutes for 5/21/17

The business meeting minutes for this month have been typed up and are available for download on the Chronicler’s web page . You can also click here to download you copy immediately.

The next business meeting will be at the Mary E. McGrath Educational Center (MEMEC) on Sunday, June 11th, 2017 at 11:00 AM. Click the button below to add to your Google Calendar!

Email Posting and Other News

Greetings Unto The Fair Populace of Quintavia!

This is your friendly neighborhood webminister. It’s been a while since you have heard from me and some of you may be confused as to new mail that you have been receiving that look a little odd. I apologize because this is my doing.

I have been handed a tool that for officers and for myself is supposed to help streamline the communication process. Keywords are “supposed to.” It’s taken a while to get the kinks worked out but I believe that I now have this particular bit of communication ironed out. What does this mean for you? Only that weekly you will receive an email with the latest news. Only once a week, on Saturdays. (OFFICERS – Take note that notices for the upcoming week and such should be posted prior to Saturday!) That’s it. Simple. Nothing else will change. For the more involved answer  and the why this has come into play keep reading!  Continue reading “Email Posting and Other News”

May 2017 Scribal Moot – White Work

Good morning everyone!

scribal moot White work Just a reminder that the Scribal Moot will be this coming Tuesday May 23rd. Our special guest teacher will be Mistress Eva who will be teaching white work. If you have your own supplies please bring them!

Quintavia Scribal Moot
Camelot Common House
69 Village Ct Berlin, MA
Main Room – 7pm – 9pm

I also have Gun∂ormr’s class handouts if anyone would like a printed copy. I can bring these to the Moot.

-Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir, Minsister of Arts & Sciences


May Buisness meeting

The Shire business meeting for May is Sunday (the 21) in the Mosaic Common House (22 Village Lane) from 11am to 1pm.
See this page for directions. http://mosaic-commons.org/directions

The Shire is very active with upcoming events, practices, moots more! Come see what all the fuss is about!.

Officers please send in a report (seneschal@quintavia.eastkingdom.org) if you or a deputy can’t make it.

Thank you,