New Help Desk Submission

Greetings from your local webminister!


As some of you may know the webministry has been working hard to get things more organized inregards to responding to user issues. Part of that has been implementing the Help Desk. This is to replace emailing me directly with issues.  While I enjoy getting mail from all of you, the webministry wants to make sure we are getting tasks and completing them. If you haven’t had an occasion to use it it means I’m doing my job well, yay! If you have then you can probably skip this how-to tutorial. This ticket system is also for if you run into anything else that is not working properly on any of the EK websites.

When you see something wrong with the Quintavia site you can submit a ticket directly to me instead of emailing me. It’s much better and faster as it doesn’t get lost in all the other email that streams in.

What to Do:

  1. Point your browser to
  2. Click on Open New Ticket at the top of page.Step 1
  3. Select Webminister Assistance/Quintavia from the drop-down menu. This is what will direct it to me personally.Step 2
  4. Fill out the remainder of the form with the necessary information.
  5. Click on Create Ticket when the form is complete to send it on it’s way!

So What If It’s Not Our Site That Has a Problem?

Fortunately there are other webministers associated with almost all of the EK websites. If you are having a problem with a particular site or list feel free to submit a ticket. The drop-down list has options for all of the Order Lists, the EK calendar, as well as an option for General Inquiry.

If you have any other questions please feel free to post here or email me and I will make an addendum to this as an FAQ.



Madame Perronnelle de Croy

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