New Pages!

Greetings from your handy-dandy local Webminister!

If you have looked around the site recently…or rather today, you may have noticed that there are new pages in the menu. I though that I would go over these for everyone so that you know what’s there and why!

  1. Galleries – These are for pictures. right now it’s a little bare. If you’d like to share your pictures with us please drop me a note!
  2. Forums – This is for everyone to use and communicate with! Make a login on the registration page and take a look around. I’m hoping to start a thread for recipes, camping arrangements, etc.
  3. Event Planning Resources – This one is tricky and is hiding under the Exchequers page. There are three pages that fall under this one. They all contain graphs for different things to help autocrats better plan and budget for their event. These are still in the process of being filled out. Please be patient and if you have additional information to add to them please let me know!
    1. Sites – A list of sites that we have used in the past. Includes contact info, amenities, accessibility, and facility details.
    2. Menu Costs – A list of menus from past events with actual cost to purchase. This sheet includes how many people paid for food and how much they paid.
    3. Budget Numbers Overview – This is the grand-daddy of worksheets. It includes costs for the site, additional insurance, tokens, food, signs, and a bunch of other things.