The next business meeting will be march 11th at 69 Village court, berlin ma (in the upstairs large common room)
We will be wrapping up the very successful embroidery schola as well as talking up coronation and possible a bid for EK fencing champs.
In addition it is election times
The following offices are up for elections
Exchequer – March 2018
Lord Mikjáll bogmaðr (running for a second term)
Minister of Arts and Sciences – March 2018
Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir (aka Feilinn)
Chancellor Minor – March 2018 (Looking for replacement officer)
Madame Perronnelle de Croy
Minister of Lists – March 2018
Lady Simona bat Leon (running for another term)
Dance Mistress – March 2018
Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir (running but if there is interest in running dance Thyra encourages you to run)
The current officers and schedule for elections can be seen here.
If you are interested in running please send me a letter of intent. Which can simply be 1 paragraph on what you would like to do with the office.
Thank you