December Activities

I hope everyone has enjoyed some holiday time with good food and good people. I know I have and am thankful for the time that I do get to spend with everyone.

For those that haven’t seen it, the EK Gazzette has a great write up about the Iron Scribe event that was held recently.

Everyone I’ve talked to about it has had a great time, and shows the Shire off in a great light. Vivat.

Upcoming we have K+Q fencing champs happing on Dec 8th at the Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton ma.

We are still looking for some folks to help out, please spread the word and/or signup if you have the time. It is a great spectacle to observe even if you don’t fence.

The day after(Dec 9th) will be the business meeting / followed by Yule at the 69 Village Court, berlin ma location.

Yule is a garb optional affair where we will hang out, tell some stories and enjoy each other company. Food is potluck, and folks are welcome to partake in the Viking (yankee) swap. Finally, we change over the keeper awards at Yule.


Happy Holidays,


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