Spring Tidings


As we shake off the winter now is a good time to see all the activities that the Shire does.

Practices & Meetings

In addition there is a host of Central region events coming up that look fun to play at, including Kingdom Archery and HL champion events.


Even if you don’t partake in the activities, cheering on the participants is always appreciated.

The May business meeting is this sunday from 11Am to 1pm at the Mosaic Common house,
22 Village Ln
Berlin, Massachusetts 01503

All are welcome, there might be mystery snacks…

PS Respond to your polls if you haven’t 🙂

Spring practice

Hi all,

Please feel invited to the annual spring practice this coming 28th/29th.  Spring practice is a chance for new folks to try out activities, experience people to kick the rust off and in general to practice some of what the SCA offers.

The festivities for both days happen at Camelot Cohousing (69 Village Ct, Berlin Ma, 01503)

A general schedule


Location  Barn and Field next to it

11  — 1pm  Newcomer focused HL activities.  Come try on armor, swing a stick and see if it interests you.

1 – 5pm (ish)  —  Pickups and then Small melee drills  Balfar’s Challenge – SCA Armored Combat)

1 -5pm  Youth fighting activities (assuming parents to help wrangle kids)

Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.

5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.

4/28 ( note this is a week after the HL Saturday because of scheduling this year)

10am —  1pm  Target Archery.  New and Closer range!

Location  Barn and Field next to it

1pm  — 5pm Fencing Activities.  Singles and then melee drills. Note this is no Sunday practice this week in millbury come here instead 🙂

Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.

5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.

Thank you


April Showers

Hi All

The April business meeting will be this Sunday the 14 starting at 11:00am at 69 village court, berlin, ma location. We’ll be in the great room, come see what all the buzz is about, and why the Seneschal is lame and hasn’t found another space to host meetings in yet!

Queen Fortune and King Ozzur are still taking recommendations for their second polling. Please take a moment and write in folks you think are worthy. The recommendations for their second polling are open until 11:59 pm on the 19th.

Recommendation form can be found here,


The types of awards in the +East kingdom are found here. (look for awards section)


If you are unsure of an award someone has, the OP can be found here.


Thank you


March Tidings

Shire activities continue to happen at a weekly(Fencing, Heavy List, Sewing) and monthly basis (Dance and Scribal Moot). If you are interested in any of the activities please come join us.

If you have ideas for what you would like to see the Shire do, or want to help out, please come to our monthly business meeting. This month it is on March 10th from 11am to 1pm the Camelot Common House (69 Village Court, berlin ma). For the interested I did look into Total Wine meeting space but it was booked for that weekend (perhaps in the future 🙂 )

At the meeting we will discuss the current activities of the shire, what is upcoming. This month we also have some officer elections. Please come join us!

Thank you



Writting folks in for awards

The SCA is a volunteer organization and work best when people are recognized for the good work that they do.  The heart of that recognition is the  Kingdom (and baronial) award system.  But for people to be brought to the royals attention they need to be written in.   I was going to post some thoughts on writing people in for awards but it turns out someone has already posted a very comprehensive guide on the eastkingdom wiki.


Please check it out if you haven’t done so already.

The awards form can be found here  http://surveys.eastkingdom.org/index.php/945932/lang-en  (it is linked on the main page of the EK website).

One tip that I like that isn’t covered in the wiki article is I save all of my award recommendations,  as with any writing style it helps to practice it.  So having an archive of  recommendations to look over when I’m written people in helps make the next one better.

Between the Award of Arms,  AOA level  “silver” awards, grant level awards and peerages, there is a large range of  awards focusing on people’s progression as they put more time and energy and skill in.

The OP database page as a nice listing of the  awards and handy way of searching if some has an award already.


Thank you


June Business Meeting


Please join us for the June business meeting, to see what the shire is up to!
Location is in the Camelot great room
69 Village court
Berlin MA

There is always positions open for interested people, open positions or folks looking for a replacement can be found here.

Shire Officers

Officers please send in a report if you (or a deputy) can’t make it.
Thank you

Spring Practice

Hi all,


Please feel invited to the annual spring practice this coming 28th/29th.  Spring practice is a chance for new folks to try out activities, experience people to kick the rust off and in general to practice some of what the SCA offers.


The festivities for both days happen at Camelot Cohousing (69 Village Ct, Berlin Ma, 01503)


A general schedule



Location  Barn and Field next to it

11  — 1pm  Newcomer focused HL activities.  Come try on armor, swing a stick and see if it interests you.

1 – 5pm (ish)  —  Pickups and then Small melee drills  Balfar’s Challenge – SCA Armored Combat)

1 -5pm  Youth fighting activities (assuming parents to help wrangle kids)


Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.


5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.


4/28 ( note this is a week after the HL Saturday because of scheduling this year)

10am —  1pm  Target Archery.  New and Closer range!


Location  Barn and Field next to it

1pm  — 5pm Fencing Activities.  Singles and then melee drills. Note this is no Sunday practice this week in millbury come here instead 🙂


Common House

Noon – 5pm.  A+S Project work.  Bring your project to work on and hang out.

5pm+  Potluck

We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.


Thank you


Open positions


As with the any group in the SCA the Shire of Quintavia is a volunteer organization  and as such we depend on the good will and energy of the people filling the Officer roles so everyone can continue to have fun.

While we do well in keeping roles filled,  there is always a small turnover as people take well deserved breaks, and the desire to have more deputies to spread the work around

In particular Elena and Perronelle would like to take step back from the Chamberlain and Chancellor Minor positions respectively.


On the job training is happily provided 🙂

A listing of current positions, can be found here.

Shire Officers

If you are interested in any of these positions, or being a deputy please let myself and the current officer know,


Thank you,
