Defenders for 2016


This past weekend at the Lovely Sommer Draw event held by the Barony of Bergental. It is a great local event with  Archery, Fencing, Fighting and other activities that I would encourage anyone to go to.   Before getting to announcing the Defenders, I would like to give a word of thanks to Lady Elvira, Lady Toi and whomever else helped with the day board, it was quite tasty.  Also I would like to thank Madame Perronnelle de Croy for her fine work with the Youth activities at the event.

With the blessing of Bergental, Quintavia picked  the Defenders from those who live within the shire’s borders and did the best in the respective tournament/competition.   Without further ado I present the Defenders for the 2016 year.


The Defenders of 2016

Award Winner
Arts & Sciences Lady Toi Poisson de Mortagne
Heavy List Baron Matthias Grunwald
Rapier Lord Gregor Mac Eoain
Archery Boyar Aleksei Dmitriev
Thrown Weapons (none chosen/no tourney held)

Thank you again for everyone who pitched in, had fun, and in general made for a relaxing local event.

Matthias Grunwald




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