Hello to the mighty populace of the Shire of Quintavia!
This is your friendly, local, webminister checking in. At the past business meeting, this past Sunday, we discussed the weekly email notices of posts on the blog. The general feedback was that the way the email blasts are not working as is. The information, when it arrives in your inbox is too late to be useful using a once weekly blast. I picked this option initially to minimize the amount of mail into your inbox because I know that we all get more than enough. To that end, there are three options that are available.
At the meeting we discussed adding a second email blast and making it go on Monday and Fridays. With the new update to the plugin it allows us to do an immediate email blast with the newest post. Unfortunately, it’s an all or nothing deal. So if three posts are written on Monday, you’ll get three separate emails. Granted, there’s not a lot of fluff that is posted here and getting three in a day would be a once in a blue moon occasion. With this in mind, I would ask that you please select your preferred solution to improve our current situation in the poll below.
[poll id=”2″]