Hi all,
Please feel invited to the annual spring practice this coming 28th/29th. Spring practice is a chance for new folks to try out activities, experience people to kick the rust off and in general to practice some of what the SCA offers.
The festivities for both days happen at Camelot Cohousing (69 Village Ct, Berlin Ma, 01503)
A general schedule
Location Barn and Field next to it
11 — 1pm Newcomer focused HL activities. Come try on armor, swing a stick and see if it interests you.
1 – 5pm (ish) — Pickups and then Small melee drills Balfar’s Challenge – SCA Armored Combat)
1 -5pm Youth fighting activities (assuming parents to help wrangle kids)
Common House
Noon – 5pm. A+S Project work. Bring your project to work on and hang out.
5pm+ Potluck
We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.
4/28 ( note this is a week after the HL Saturday because of scheduling this year)
10am — 1pm Target Archery. New and Closer range!
Location Barn and Field next to it
1pm — 5pm Fencing Activities. Singles and then melee drills. Note this is no Sunday practice this week in millbury come here instead 🙂
Common House
Noon – 5pm. A+S Project work. Bring your project to work on and hang out.
5pm+ Potluck
We’ll have some basic grillables, bring something to share or a 5 dollar donation.
Thank you