I like to take a moment to thank the officer’s and deputy officer’s in the Shire. These people do the yeoman’s work in making the practices and gatherings in the Shire happen, and without them we would all be in a lesser place in terms of what we get out of the SCA. Vivat!
A listing of the current officers and their deputies can be found here. The Shire is large and active as can be seen on the practice listing page. and it is due in large part to these folks making the Shire function. Saying that we do have some open positions and/or officers who are in a current position that need to step back. If you are interested in any of the open / looking for replacement positions, or want to ask what the office entails please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. We also have an archive of all the business meeting minutes for the last few years, that is also a good place to learn more about what the various offices entail.
Thank you,