The next business meeting will be October 8th from 11 – 1pm in the Camelot Common House. 69 Village court Berlin Ma. We will be in the downstairs meeting room this time. We’ll talk about Yule and whatever other mischief has been dreamt up in the previous month..
As a reminder In November we will have elections for Seneschal, Webminister, Captain of Archers, and Thrown Weapons Officer. If you are interested in serving in any of these roles please send me a letter of intent. I do plan on putting my name in for another term, but always welcome other folks to step forward as well if there is interest. Please email letters to seneschal@quintavia.eastkingdom.org
The Letter can be a one/two paragraph email on why you like to do with the office.
Finally business meeting minutes are archived on the site for perusal. See
Thank You,