Business Meeting Minutes – May 15

Here are the minutes from today’s Shire business meeting.


Officer reports

Chronicler: Nothing new. Propose quick election next month to confirm Aleksei to replace Murdoch.

Chamberlain: Nothing new.

Seneschal: Organized paperwork. Write people in for awards! Please! New Royals will be looking for staff.

Herald: Consulted during Lochleven spring practice. Happy to help people register stuff.

MoAS: Scribal Schola, May 21, Camelot. 18 classes, all skill levels. Schedule is up, descriptions up today or tomorrow. Scroll display. 50yr is looking for scans of scrolls, please submit to Countess Marguerite. Has access to MoAS email. MoAS web page updated with Feilinn’s info.

Dance: Good May practice. One more in June, off July and August.

Archery: Practice today. Took measurements for new stands. Will make them smaller than current stands for easier transport. Will schedule a work day to build them once materials are purchased. Rounds are doing well. Sojourner has offered to run evening practices at Brokk and Rozi’s one night a week.

Exchequer: We have money. Monthly and quarterly reports submitted to Kingdom

Knight Marshal: Due to low attendance, practices are now only running on Thursday in Berlin, Sunday in Millbury.

Youth: Supplies are good, going through two boxes of donations. Offered to help Bergental at Sommer Draw. Youth activities at K&Q Archery/Thrown Weapons?

Webminister: Putting up K&Q Equestrian page by Wednesday. Putting up page for Scribal Schola. Still trying to fix header issue. Officers, let me know if you want to update your officer page.


Old Business

Scribal Schola, May 21: Simona running gate. Thyra deputy seneschal for the day. Corwin looking for help with cleanup – should happen throughout day to make cleanup at the end easier. Setup at 8am, people arrive by 9:30. Potluck lunch. Classes 11-6. A few have small class fees – will be listed on web site. Display at 4. Class sched on web site. Donation only. Looking for loaner/donation art supplies for newbies to use.

K&Q Thrown Weapons and Archery Champs, June 4: Archery has Chinese theme. Site tokens chosen. No Curia, will be held at GNEW. There’s enough space for youth activities if we want. Setup Friday evening before.

Sommer Draw, June 17: Defender tourneys will be held here – best placing Quintavian for each discipline. We usually dayboard as a fundraiser, will confirm that we are.

K&Q Equestrian, August 27: Have contract but it needs some corrections. Rosina seeking substitute autocrat due to a wedding that got scheduled that day – will still help plan the event. Seeking input for additional activities since so much space is available. Hobby horse race? Mikhail will handle prereg. Listed on EK event page. Will talk to Perronnelle about event web page. Can set up Friday. Will ask people to set up period tents for dressing rooms, staff/royal dayboard, royal rooms, populace shade, other activities.

Battle of the Five Armies: Talking long term scheduling with site. Contacting neighboring Baronies to gauge interest in participating.

Smoking Rocks wants to use a site in Quintavia (Franklin) for their Investiture on Labor Day weekend. No objections from us. Theme of border skirmish – could lead into Battle of the Five Armies well.


New Business

Rozi interested in stepping down as Marshal of Fence. Corwin is interested in taking over. Will talk to Rozi and gauge interest from other Shire fencers.



Toi is giving away garb that no longer fits. Help yourself! Leftovers will be donated to Gold Key.

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