20th, May 2015 Business Meeting Minutes
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Officer reports
Seneschal: Getting some offers for EK Equestrian lunch raffle. Plan to sell tickets at Panteria, and every event between now and GNE. Draw @GNE so winners can work out arrangements with cooks. Still waiting for contract from Hazel Grove for EK Eq.
Exchequer: We have money. Kingdom Q1 report was accepted on the first try.
Herald: Consulting with a few people for names and devices. Needs files to create Shire OP.
MoL: Deadline for auth for Pennsic is July 1.
Archery: Planning to start practices again next weekend. Thyra can’t run till July, hopes other marshals can help.
Lochleven: Aleksei is encouraging large households that reside in the Shire to send a representative to business meetings for representation and to improve communication with them. Edward will be representing Lochleven. Joint Quintavia/Lochleven practice last weekend, went well.
MoAS: Due to popularity of the first one, holding second Central Region Fiber Arts Time on Sunday June 7 @Mosaic, 11-6. Potluck. Got felt to make plague rats for children’s game. Will try to find more A&S
teachers for SJB.
Webminister: Had to fix broken image links thanks to an “update.”
Youth Minister: Figuring out how to run games and Youth Initiative at SJB. Will coordinate youth activities at Sommer Draw.
Chronicler: Did Waypost last month. Will do another this month. Milestone will come out after SJB and include coverage. Got a nice new camera.
Archery: Good practice with Lochleven. Aleksei, Murdoch, and Elena are setting up the range at Brokk and Rozi’s tomorrow. Need to repair some stands and one round.
Dance: Had practice in May. Will have one June 2. Don’t know about July. Nothing in August because Pennsic.
Old business
Lochleven spring practice was cool. Happy to do it again.
Sommer Draw, June 13: Quintavia doing day board as fundraiser. New site, two kitchens, day board has one of them, so we will cook on site unlike previous years. Talk to Aleksei if you want to help cook.
Separately, if you’re camping and interested in a Quintavia camp and meal plan, let Aleksei know.
SJB, June 20: Defender tourneys. Current Defenders contacted – if need help running tourney, talk to MoLs. Need marshals. Make them short and staggered.
- Keeper awards – if you’re a current Keeper, let Aleksei know who it should be passed on to. If you won’t be there, arrange to pass regalia along.
- Menu and schedule going on web site next week. Did walk-through last weekend, figured out what will go
GNE: Joint “Bergentavia” camp with Bergental. Central location, common area, meal plan, Jello shots. Tell Aleksei if you want to camp with us, how many people, size of tent, and if you’ll be on the meal plan.
EK Equestrian / Thrown Weapons: No contract yet but they’ll send us one. Add’l portapotty closer to the ring, ADA compliant. Also 1st annual EK thrown weapons championship. Elena will feed staff and royals.
Bardic event to be held at Camelot, Oct 17, we approved them to run it.
New Business
Putting in bid for fall Crown at Lancaster fairgrounds, Cassandra autocrat. Rolling day board, no feast. Bid due June 1. Bring pavilions, tables, fire bowls.
By-law updates. New EK law, people can be officers in regions other than where they live if regions allow. Do we allow outsiders to be Quintavian officers (Seneschal and Exchequer must be residents)? Do
we prohibit residents who are among the eight required officers in other groups from being an officer here? Aleksei will write proposals, get them published in the Milestone and on the web site so people can review in June, vote in July. Also a general clean-up of the by-laws in general.
Equipment purchase to replace missing serving pieces. Need to order now to have them for Sommer Draw and SJB. Inventory trailer (Brokk and Rozi’s) Sunday, May 31, 10am. ALL Shire equipment must be returned by May 31. June 1, must order new equipment if we don’t have enough. Should be able to get by with what we have plus loans from Bergental and Lochleven for Sommer Draw, but need more for SJB. Up to $500 approved to replace missing serving equipment if it doesn’t show up.
Rosina got info and quotes from Portuguese American club in Hudson if we want to hold an event there. Big field, gym, pavilion with seating for 100, indoor areas, bar. They must provide all drinks. Pricing
based on which areas you rent and time of year.
Just this morning Rosina was asked about a demo at Berlin Home Days on June 13. Late notice, Aleksei and Teresa will be at Sommer Draw, so Fortune would have to run it, if there are enough people to hold it.
May 31, belly dance recital in old Berlin Town Hall. Free. Come on down. Mistress Anne’s dance troupe. Possible interest in Quintavian belly dancing group?
Next meeting: Wed, June 10, 7pm @Camelot. Common meal that night, let Andreiko know if you’d like to join us.